Connecting To Sites

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Robo-FTP runs scripts for automating unattended file transfers. The FTPLOGON script command is used to establish a connection to FTP, FTPS, SFTP and HTTP servers but finding the correct combination of settings and options to successfully connect to a server can be a challenge.



Test Button

When first connecting to any particular server, open the Configurator to the Manage Sites menu and create a new Managed Site record. When you finish entering the settings for the new Managed Site, click the "Test" button to verify that your settings actually work. The test reports success if Robo-FTP is able to connect and retrieve a directory listing using the current settings. If the test connection fails the Configurator offers to automatically detect the connection settings. WARNING: Automatic configuration takes a while to complete because it attempts multiple combinations of settings. You will not be able to cancel automatic site configuration once it is started.


Add New Site Test Button


Test button activity, including automatic configuration attempts, is recorded in the Debug Log file. If you are unable to find a combination of settings that allow you to connect to a server, export a copy of the Debug Log and open a support ticket on


Client Applet

The client applet has a "Logon" button designed to be used with existing Managed Site records. The client applet is started by choosing Run Robo-FTP Client Applet from the Tools menu item, by  clicking the "FTP" button in the main console window or by executing the FTPCLIENT script command. This applet is not intended to replace other more functional products but it can be an invaluable tool while developing and testing Robo-FTP command scripts.


Server Certificates and Keys

SSL and SSH servers can be identified by the keys they use to initially negotiate the encrypted channel. It is usually safe to accept and save them when the site is new. If the key changes between one connection and the next the log on will fail with $ERROR_BAD_CERTIFICATE. If you get this error please check with your server administrator to make sure they changed it and you are not seeing a man in the middle attack. If they were changed on the server you can replace your saved key with the new one by selecting the save/trust always option on the dialog that presents when using the test button in the Configurator or when connecting to the manage site using the Robo-FTP Client Applet


Related command(s): FTPLOGON, FTPCLIENT

See also: Creating a New Managed Site Record, Debug Logging, Using the Robo-FTP Client Applet, Main Console Window