Limiting access to jobs based on Active Directory group membership.

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It is possible to limit access to jobs by linking a job group directly to an Active Directory group. To enable this functionality, you will need to turn on "Advanced Scheduling" mode. In the "Scheduler Settings" tab, under "Access Rights", ensure that the "Use job groups as windows groups for access" option is checked.



The "Use job groups as windows groups..." option


Still in the "Scheduler Settings" tab, for Job Group Domain, enter the domain name that contains the groups to use. In the "Group Settings" tab, you will now be able to select job groups from that domain by clicking on the "Click to Add Job Group" button.



The Add Group dialog with the "Use job groups..." option checked



In the "Job List" tab, you will now be able to assign job groups to new or pre-existing jobs (see Running tasks as alternate users for information on assigning groups to jobs). If a user belongs to an Active Directory group, they will be able to access any jobs which are assigned to that group.