FTPLOGOFF        Logoff an FTP site

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Do not wait for response from FTP site after issuing a QUIT command to the server (ALTFTP and SSH/SSL modes only) before returning. This is the default action so explicitly specifying this option is not necessary. (The option is still recognized to maintain backward compatibility with existing Robo-FTP scripts that may have included this option.)



Wait for response from FTP site after issuing a QUIT command to the server (ALTFTP and SSH/SSL modes only) returning.



In versions prior to v2.1, this command defaulted to /wait mode in ALTFTP and SSH/SSL session. Beginning with v2.1, the /nowait mode is now the default, and the /wait option added to maintain backward compatibility.


This script command terminates a connection with an FTP site.


The default mode for the FTPLOGOFF command (and when the /nowait option is present) results in the FTPLOGOFF command completing and returning control to Robo-FTP without necessarily seeing an acknowledgement of the log off from the FTP site. This default action (and the /nowait and /wait options) is supported only in the following modes:








The following commands produce identical results:




FTPLOGON /nowait


In the unlikely event that FTPLOGOFF fails to successfully disconnect from an FTP site, you might try adding the /wait option to see if the results are any different.


Neither the /nowait nor /wait options are valid in normal FTP operation and will produce syntax errors.


Related Commands: FTPLOGON  See also: Using the Robo-FTP Client Applet