Script Commands Grouped by Function

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Debugging Commands

BREAK Set a script file breakpoint
GO (Re)run the currently selected script file from beginning
RESUME Resume execution of a script file stopped at a breakpoint


E-mail Commands

CREATEMAIL Create an e-mail message
GETMAIL Get an e-mail message
MAILTO Send an e-mail message (manually) via default e-mail client
SENDMAIL Send an e-mail message to one or more recipients


FTP Site Commands

FTPCD Change to a new directory on the FTP site
FTPCMD Send a “raw” FTP command
FTPDELDIR Delete a directory on the FTP site
FTPDELETE Delete file(s) on the FTP site
FTPDIFF Compare the current state of the remote file system with the previous state stored in a snapshot database
FTPDIFFREWIND Reset the sequential diff pointer back to be first difference found during the most recent FTPDIFF operation
FTPGETDIFF Sequentially report the each file system difference found during the most recent FTPDIFF operation
FTPGETFILE Populates a set of variables with information about a remote file or folder specified by the [ file name ] argument
FTPGETREWIND Reset the FTPGETFILE and/or GETSITEFILE counter to first file matching the [ file name ] argument
FTPLIST Write current FTP site directory listing to a file
FTPMAKEDIR Make a new directory on the FTP site
FTPPWD Get current directory on an FTP site
FTPRENAME Rename a file on the FTP site
GETSITEFILE Populates a set of variables with information about a remote file or folder specified by the [ file name ] argument
TIMEZONE Set timezone difference between Robo-FTP and FTP site


Function Directives and Commands

BEGINFUNCTIONS Begin function declaration section in script file
ENDFUNCTION End function declaration
ENDFUNCTIONS End function declaration section in script file
FUNCTION Begin function declaration
RETURN Return from a function


HTTP/HTTPS site Commands

POSTVALUEAdd a value to a HTTP/HTTPS request


Licensing Commands

ACTIVATELIC Activate license


Link Connection/Establishment and Disconnect Commands

DIALNET Initiate auto-dial connection via Dial-Up Networking
DISCONNECT Disconnect from an FTP site
STAYALIVESpecify time-out to maintain FTP site connection


Local File Commands

APPEND Append one file to another
ARCHIVEDIR Define Robo-FTPs archive folder
CHGDIR An alias for the WORKINGDIR command
COPY Copy one file to another location
DELDIR Delete an empty local folder
DELETE Delete local file(s)
DIFF Compare the current state of the local file system with the previous state stored in a snapshot database
DIFFREWIND Reset the sequential diff pointer back to be first difference found during the most recent DIFF operation
EXPORT Export configuration settings to a file
GETDIFF Sequentially report the each file system difference found during the most recent DIFF operation
GETFILE Populates a set of variables with information about a local file or folder specified by the [ file name ] argument
GETNEXTFILE Populates a set of variables with information about a local file or folder specified by the [ file name ] argument
GETREWIND Reset the GETFILE and/or GETNEXTFILE counter to first file matching the [ file name ] argument
IMPORT Import Robo-FTP configuration settings from a file
LISTDIR Write local folder listing to a file
MAKEDIR Create a new local folder
MAKEFILENAME Generate a unique, non-existent file name
MOVE Move one file to another location
PRINT Print a file
READFILE Read string variable value from text file
READXTBL Read ASCII - EBCDIC translation table file
RENAME Rename a file
UNZIP Extract file(s) from a zip archive
WORKINGDIR Specify default working folder
WRITEFILEWrite character string or string variable value to text file
ZIP Create or add to a zip archive


Log File / Console Control Commands

CONSOLE Control output to console window
CONSOLEMSG Write a message to the console window
DASHBOARDMSGUpdates Robo-FTP Dashboard
LOG Specify the script log file name
LOGMSG Write a message to the script log file
LOGNTEVENT Write a message to the NT application event log
SESSIONLOG Specify diagnostic log file name for secure (SSH/SSL) sessions
SRVNAME Define service name and control interaction with Monitor
TRACELOG Specify trace/diagnostic log file name


PGP Encryption Commands

PGPDECRYPT Decrypt a PGP encrypted file
PGPENCRYPT Encrypt a file using PGP
PGPIMPORT Import a PGP key file set


Script File Branching Commands

FTPSETERROR Store FTP result value for conditional branching
GOTO Immediate jump to label
IFDATE Conditional branch upon file date comparison
IFDATETIME Conditional branch upon file date time comparison
IFERROR Conditional branch after testing result code
IFFILE Conditional branch on file existence
IFNFILE Conditional branch on file non-existence
IFNO Conditional branch if ‘No’ is clicked in ASK dialog box
IFNSTRCMP Conditional branch when two string variables are not equal
IFNSUBSTR Conditional branch if sub-string is not found in string variable
IFNUM Conditional branch upon numeric variable comparison
IFSIZE Conditional branch upon file size comparison
IFSTRCMP Conditional branch when two string variables are equal
IFSUBSTR Conditional branch if sub-string is found in string variable
IFTIME Conditional branch upon file time comparison
IFYES Conditional branch if ‘Yes’ is clicked in ASK dialog box
LOOPCOUNT Set maximum loop repetition
LOOPIF Conditional branch used in conjunction with LOOPCOUNT
LOOPTO Unconditional branch used in conjunction with LOOPCOUNT


Script File Control Commands

CALL Call another script file
CHAIN Transfer to another script file
CRON Script scheduling using crontab file
DISPLAY Display all or a specified variable
DOSCMD Execute an internal MS-DOS command
EXEC Execute an external program
EXIT Quit Robo-FTP
FILECOMPAREFROM Compare file size and time/date stamp from FTP site
FILECOMPARETO Compare file size and time/date stamp to FTP site
FTPTOJES Enable access to JES queue on IBM host (e.g., MVS)
NATO Specify a no activity time-out
PAUSE Pause for specified length of time or until specified hour:minute
PERFORM Execute script command contained in character string or variable
RCVFILEReceive one or more files
RETURN Return from a called script file
SENDFILE Send one or more files
STOP Stops script processing or exit from the break state
SYNC Synchronize local and FTP site files


SQL Database Commands

DBCLOSE Close and optionally delete a database file
DBGETRESULTS Get results from a database query
DBQUERY Issue a database query
DBREWIND Reset results search to beginning
DBUSE Create and/or open a database file


Variable Commands

DATEADD Add days to a date variable
DATESUB Subtract days from a date variable
DATETIMEADD Add specified amount of time to the date time variable
DATETIMESUB Subtract specified amount of time from the date time variable
DEC Decrement a variable by one
INC Increment a variable by one
SET Assign or concatenate string variable(s)
SETEXTRACT Extract delimited substring from a string
SETLEFT Extract left substring
SETLEN Assign length of specified string to a variable
SETMID Extract mid substring
SETNUM Assign or evaluate numeric variable(s)
SETRIGHT Extract right substring
SETSUBSTR Find number of substrings in string


User Interface Commands

ASK Display a question in a Yes/No dialog box
BROWSE Display a pop-up open file dialog box
FTPCLIENT Activate the Robo-FTP client applet
MESSAGEBOX Display text in message box
PLAYSOUND Play a sound (.wav) file
PRESSANYKEY Suspend script execution pending a key press
PROMPT Display message box with title and prompt, and accept user input


Window Control Commands

MINIMIZE Minimize Robo-FTP window
RESTORE Restore minimized Robo-FTP window to original size
TRACEWIN Open/close trace log window



See also: Script File Command Syntax, Sample Script Files