The Robo-EDIT Script File Editor

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Although you can use any text editor to create Server Event Scripts, the Robo-EDIT text editor is specifically designed for editing Robo-FTP syntax. Robo-EDIT helps you minimize typographical errors and provides for the easiest possible creation and maintenance of Server Event Scripts. Major features include:


ØContext sensitive help for all Robo-FTP script commands
ØColor syntax highlighting of Robo-FTP script commands
ØAutomatically capitalize Robo-FTP script commands as you type
ØEdit multiple script files and save (and reload) all at once as a “session”
ØFind in files function that automatically searches script files (files with .s extension)
ØOptional tabbed interface when editing multiple files
ØOptional line numbers


This is the Robo-EDIT main screen:




Robo-FTP script command syntax is highlighted in color as shown below:



Script commands


Script command options (e.g., /append); command operators (e.g., &)


Variables and strings




Predefined error variables (e.g., $ERROR_SUCCESS); numeric constants (e.g., NATO 30)

Bold Black

Script labels


Robo-EDIT may be launched by double-clicking a file with the default Robo-FTP .s script file name extension or from the Robo-FTP Server folder in the Start Menu.



See also: Programming Server Event Scripts