Virtual Permissions

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Robo-FTP Server supports several virtual permissions to be applied to each user's home directory and each virtual folder. These permissions are as follows:


Upload: Allows uploading of files. Overwriting an existing file will also require the Delete File permission. Be aware that many clients upload to one name and then rename the file once the upload is complete as their default behavior (for upload resume management) so you may also need the Rename permission for the upload to appear functional.
Download: Allows downloading files.
Make Dir: Allows creating subdirectories.
Delete Dir: Allows deleting subdirectories.
Rename: Allows renaming files and changing their timestamps.
Delete File: Allows deleting or in conjunction with Upload, overwriting a file.
List: Allows listing directories and files and their associated attributes. This permission is transparent. If they don't have list permission the listing will appear empty instead of generating an error.
Post: This is a special permission that applies to HTTP and HTTPS which allows using the POST verb on a directory. The post can be URL Encoded, in which case that only sets variables to be passed to the PostReceived Automation Event, or it may be multipart/mime encoded, in which case it may (in conjuction with the Upload permission) also include files to be uploaded. The BeginUpload and UploadComplete events will fire for each file uploaded this way. HTTP is an Enterprise feature.