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The Robo-FTP Enterprise Framework provides two ways to send notification emails. It can automatically send an email when it encounters an error in the execution of a job. It also provides a "Notify" step which enables users to manually add notification emails into the workflow of a job.



Default Email Settings and Behavior

By default, when a job step encounters an error, the job is aborted and an error email is sent. Error notification emails and the emails generated by a "Notify" step use the email settings configured on the "Settings" page of the web UI along with the default Outgoing Email Server configured in the configurator. The "Email To" field accepts either a single email address or a comma-separated list of email addresses. The "Subject" and "Message" fields may include macros. The default settings for these fields should work well for most customers.



Overriding Default Behavior

Simply configuring the email settings on the "Settings" page and using the default error notification behavior should work well out of the box for most customers. However, it is possible to over-ride the default behavior in several ways.


On Error Behavior

By default, when a job step encounters an error, the job is aborted and an error email is sent. This can be altered by adding one or more options to the step in the job definition.


skip_email_on_error=true will prevent an error email from being sent if that step encounters an error.

continue_on_error=true will prevent the job from aborting if that step encounters an error.


Email Settings

It is possible to add one or more options to a step in a job definition to override the email settings configured on the "Settings" page of the web UI.


To do this, use the same syntax and options as described for a "Notify" step with "_on_error" appended to the option name. For example, to override the recipient, set the option for "recipient_on_error." These settings will apply to all future steps for the current job. If you want to switch back to the defaults after a step is done you can override the latest settings in the next step.


Available options:


recipient_on_error=<mail to>

attach_file_on_error=<either empty string for no attachments or "logfiles" for a zip containing the log files for the job>

subject_on_error=<macro resolved at error time subject>

message_on_error=<macro resolved at error time email body>


Creating Multiple Error Notification Emails

You can also create additional different messages from the same failure instance by using subscripts on the recipient_on_error settings and matching subscripts on any of the other settings you want to be different for that subscript. The subscript can be any alphabet string. For example, if you wanted to send a shorter message to a pager you might do the following...


recipient_on_error[pager][email protected]


message_on_error[pager]=%job_name + " failed at " + %step_name


Note that there is not a pager subject_on_error. This means when sending to the pager it will use subject_on_error or if none was specified previously in the job, the default which the subject specified in the settings ui page.



See also: Notify, Macro Substitution, Other Parameters