Job Definitions

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Framework Jobs are built from a combination of steps where each step performs some basic chunk of functionality.


A web-based user interface is provided for managing and editing jobs through your web browser.


Internally, job steps are configured in a format similar to Microsoft INI files. The first line in a job file must be a step name header. The first step in most jobs will be either be a Pull or Monitor type step that defines the set of files to be processed by the job. Steps are executed in the order in which they appear in the file and then finalized in reverse order. Therefore the post-processing configuration options of the initial Pull or Monitor step are the last operations executed in a job. In programming terminology you might say that steps are pushed onto a stack as they are executed and then popped off the stack as they are finalized.


Step Names

Each [section] in the INI format declares a step name. Each step in a job must have a unique name and must begin with a valid step type. Multiple steps of the same type may be included in a single job by adding an underscore "_" or dash "-" character followed by an additional description. For example, a step defined as [Name_TimeStamp] is a Name type step named Timestamp. Step names may not contain spaces.


Configuration Options

Each [step] name may be followed by rows that define configuration options for that step. Like properties in an INI file, each configuration option occupies a single line that contains the configuration name, an equal sign "=" and then the configuration value.



Comments are indicated by beginning a line with a semicolon "‘;". Comment lines are ignored.


See a sample job definition using this INI syntax here.