Switching to a SQL Server back end

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Switching to a SQL Server back end




Scheduler settings tab with a Microsoft SQL Server database properly configured



By default, the Scheduler stores all job-related information in an integrated database managed directly by Robo-FTP itself. However, it is also possible to configure the Scheduler to use a separate Microsoft SQL Server database as a back end to store the job information.




Before switching to your SQL Server database, you will need to perform a Settings Export of the database to preserve the current job list and associated data.


Next, create the SQL Server database you will be using and ensure that the SQL Server db_owner role for that database is assigned to the user under which the scheduler will be run (the "Run Scheduler Service As User" option indicates which user this will be).


In order to switch back ends from the integrated database to a SQL Server database, under "Database Settings", click "Microsoft SQL Server". Because the scheduler service will need to be stopped to change database back ends, some scheduler-related data may be lost. Therefore, you will be prompted to confirm that you wish to proceed. If so, click the "Yes" button in the resulting dialog box to proceed.


In the "Instance" textbox below, enter the named instance of your preferred Microsoft SQL Server installation. This should contain the network or domain name of the computer on which SQL Server is running, followed by a backslash (\), followed by the SQL Server instance itself. Consider the following example, without the double quotes: "MYMACHINENAME\SQLEXPRESS". Alternatively, if there is only one SQL Server instance running on the particular server, you can use the computer's network or domain name directly without specifying the exact instance name. For example: "MYMACHINENAME".


In the "Database" textbox, enter the name of a pre-existing database in the given Instance. In order to complete the configuration, click the "Start" button to restart the Scheduler service.


Finally, perform a Settings Import using the data from the initial settings export as specified earlier to restore the job list to your new database configuration.




In order to switch back ends from the SQL Server database to the integrated database, under "Database Settings", click "Integrated SQLCE DB". Because the scheduler service will need to be stopped to change database back ends, some scheduler-related data may be lost. Therefore, you will be prompted to confirm that you wish to proceed. If so, click the "Yes" button in the resulting dialog box to proceed.  In order to complete the configuration, click the "Start" button to restart the Scheduler service.