RoboDirListEvent fired to provide directory listing from FTP site
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An event fired whenever Robo-FTP requests a directory listing from the FTP site. All files and subdirectories are returned in a NULL terminated string with each file or directory terminated with a CR/LF. Some of the directory listings may be superfluous resulting from internal requirements of commands like SYNC or FTPDELETE, so you may choose to ignore the information returned by this event unless specifically requested with the FTPLIST command.


C++ Definition

void RoboDirList( BSTR bstrDirListing )


VB Definition

RoboDirList( ByVal DirListing As String )


C# Definition

void RoboDirList( ref String strDirListing )


VB.NET Definition

RoboDirList( ByRef DirListing As String )


Return Value




bstrDirListing / strDirListing / DirListing

A NULL terminated string containing a complete FTP site directory listing. The directory listing is in the native format of the FTP site.



The string arriving with this event can be quite large so handle accordingly. Your handler for this event should be as brief as possible since Robo-FTP is suspended until control is returned - typically your handler should save the contents of the delivered string as appropriate and return immediately.