RoboGetVariableMethod to get the value of Robo-FTP script variable
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Method to get the value of the specified Robo-FTP script variable. Note: this method does not work when the calling program is written in VBScript - use the RoboGetVBSVariable method instead.


C++ Definition

long RoboGetVariable( CString strVariable, BSTR &bstrValue )


VB Definition

RoboGetVariable( Variable As String, Value As String ) As Long


C# Definition

Int RoboGetVariable( String strVariable, ref String strValue )


VB.NET Definition

RoboGetVariable( Variable As String, ByRef Value As String ) As Integer


Return Value

A numeric value indicating the success or failure of obtaining the value Robo-FTP variable.


Returns ROBO_ERROR_SUCCESS if the variable is found and its value is returned in the strValue / Value variable.

Returns ROBO_ERROR_VAR_NOT_FOUND if the variable is not defined.


See COM/OLE Return Codes for a complete list of possible return values.



strVariable / Variable

A string defining the Robo-FTP script variable name.


bstrValue / strValue / Value

A string that contains the value of the variable upon return.



The StartSession() method must be called prior to calling RoboGetVariable().