TIMEZONE Set timezone difference between Robo-FTP and an FTP site |
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In versions prior to v2.0, this same function was performed using the /tz option on various commands. The /tz option is still supported but this is now the recommended method for timezone management.
Use the TIMEZONE command to account for differences in timezones between Robo-FTP and the FTP site. This is important for accurate file date/time stamp comparisons that occur in commands like FILECOMPARETO, GETSITEFILE, and with options like /ifnewer on the SENDFILE and RCVFILE commands.
For example, if you are using Robo-FTP in the Central U.S. timezone and the FTP site is set up to store file date/time stamps using GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) then there is a six-hour difference between the file system times of Robo-FTP’s PC and the FTP site. To account for this, the command would be:
If you are using Robo-FTP in the Central U.S. timezone and the FTP site is located in the Eastern U.S. timezone and is using local time, then there is a one-hour difference between the file system times of Robo-FTP’s PC and the FTP site. In this case, the command would be:
Finally, if the FTP site is located in the Pacific U.S. timezone and is using local time, then there is a two-hour difference the other way between the file system times of Robo-FTP’s PC and the FTP site. To allow for this, the command which indicates that the FTP site is two hours behind would be:
Variables can also be used:
SET tz = "+2" TIMEZONE tz
See also: Timezone Differences |