IBM Host Features Mode

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IBM Host Features mode is an optional mode of operation that permits additional options to be selected when using Robo-FTP with an IBM host (mainframe) FTP site.


When IBM Host Features mode is enabled, Robo-FTP may be configured to send and receive files using the EBCDIC character set. If so, Robo-FTP can be directed to perform ASCII-EBCDIC translations. Your PC uses the 7-bit ASCII character set while many IBM host (mainframe) computers uses the 8-bit EBCDIC character set.


Some IBM host FTP sites are able to transfer files to Robo-FTP in ASCII mode but others may only use their native EBCDIC character set. When file transfer type is set to EBCDIC, Robo-FTP performs an automatic ASCII to EBCDIC translation on files sent to the FTP site, and an EBCDIC to ASCII translation on files received from the FTP site.


Robo-FTP may also be configured to access the JES queue on an IBM host (e.g., an MVS system) to submit batch jobs. The JES queue is distinct from other FTP files. Robo-FTP uses the FTPTOJES script command to gain access to the JES queue such that Robo-FTP may then submit jobs, list contents of the JES queue, and receive output files from the queue.


IBM Host Features mode may be selected when configuring a host or by using the /ibm option on the FTPLOGON script command.