Using the %dbqueryrawresult, %dbqueryrows, and %dbqueryvariables Variables

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These three variables are set by the DBGETRESULTS, DBQUERY, and DBGETRESULTS script commands respectively.


The %dbqueryrawresult variable contains a raw text string resulting from a SQL query submitted by the DBQUERY that cannot be parsed into individual %db_xxxx variables by a subsequent DBGETRESULTS command. Normally this variable is reserved for troubleshooting purposes and is only assigned in the event of an error during the execution of DBGETRESULTS.


The %dbqueryrows variable contains the number of rows resulting from a SQL query submitted by the DBQUERY script command. A maximum of 1000 rows is allowed on any single query before an error occurs.


The %dbqueryvariables variable contains the number of individual %db_xxxx variables created by the DBGETRESULTS command when parsing the result of a single SQL query submitted by the DBQUERY script command.



See Also: Internal Script Variables