Using the %downloaderrors and %uploaderrors Variables

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The %downloaderrors and %uploaderrors variables record the number of non-fatal file I/O errors (e.g., file is read-only, access denied, etc.) that may have occurred with the most recent RCVFILE and SENDFILE script commands, respectively, when wildcard character(s) are in the pathname and when the /allowerrors option is specified.


Robo-FTP’s default behavior when doing a wildcard transfer in the event of an I/O error is to report the error and to not continue with the download or upload of any more files. With the /allowerrors option, non-fatal errors are ignored but tallied in these variables so a script can take appropriate action after all possible files have been transferred.


The name(s) of any files that failed to download or upload my be obtained by parsing the Robo-FTP script log. All failures will be logged as follows:


*Warning: FTP site file I/O error ignored -- operation resumed.



*Warning: Local file I/O error ignored -- operation resumed.


Consider the following example in which the total number of download file I/O errors is used in a message that is displayed to the user.


RCVFILE "*" /allowerrors

SET msg = %downloaderrors + " file I/O error(s) occurred"




See Also: Internal Script Variables