STAYALIVE        Specify time-out to maintain FTP site connection

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[ timeout ]


[ timeout ]

Variable, string, or numeric constant defining the number of seconds delay between sending NOOP commands to the server. This value must be 30 seconds or greater.






This command is not valid when connecting a secure SSH site.


This script command specifies a time-out value of 30 or greater, in seconds, used to maintain a connection with an FTP site through periods of inactivity.


Typical FTP sites will terminate a session after 300 seconds of inactivity. If you wish to maintain a connection, specify a non-zero time-out with this command and Robo-FTP will send an FTP NOOP (no operation) command at the specified interval to maintain a connection with an FTP site. To disable the stay alive timer, set [ timeout ] to zero.


The stay alive time-out is disabled (i.e., set to 0) by default and is not supported in SFTP mode.


Consider the following example in which the stay alive NOOP is sent every 60 seconds.





Robo-FTP sends the FTP ‘NOOP’ command to the server to maintain the connection. Not all servers permit or may be configured to refuse ‘NOOP’, so STAYALIVE may not operate on some servers.



Related command(s): NATO, FTPLOGON /timeout option, SENDFILE /timeout option, RCVFILE /timeout option