Script File Alphanumeric Constants

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Alphanumeric constants define file names and other character strings that may be used in script commands directly or assigned to script variables. Alphanumeric constants are always enclosed by single or double quotation marks. Examples of alphanumeric constants are:


COPY "file2" "file1"

SET filename = "d:\export\sales2011.xls"

SENDFILE c:\My Data\Update Inventory.dbf


Whenever you are using a file name in a constant or variable, Robo-FTP always assumes the file is located in the working folder. If you want to reference a file elsewhere, you should always use the file’s full path name.


If you need to use a value that contains double quotation marks, enclose that value in single quotes:


SET password = '"secret"' ;; value of password is "secret"


Conversely, if you need to use a value that contains single quotes, enclose that value in double quotes:


SET password = "'secret'" ;; value of password is 'secret'