Script File Command Options

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Command options may be present on certain script file commands following the command name and any arguments that may be required. Options always begin with the slash "/" character. For instance, in an option such as /timeout=10, you must not put spaces on either side of the equal sign. Many commands support multiple options. Examples of command options are below:

RCVFILE /timeout=0

SENDFILE "example.txt" /archive

FTPLOGON "" /servertype=FTPSDATA /trust=ALLOW



The password option in the following example contains a space character so it must be enclosed in quotes:


FTPLOGON "" /user=Bob /pw=My Secret ;; error invalid argument!

FTPLOGON "" /user=Bob /pw="My Secret"


In the first row without the quotes, the command parser sees the value of the password option as "My" and the remaining "Secret" as an invalid argument.



See also: Script File Command Arguments, List of Script Commands