SENDMAIL        Send e-mail message to one or more recipients

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[ server ] [ to name ] [ to email ] [ /options ]


[ server ]

Variable or string defining the server URL or IP address (e.g., smtp.mail.server or of a SMTP mail server; the server port is always set to 25


[ to name ]

Variable or string defining the optional name(s) of recipients; this argument is required in the command even if you do not specify a recipient name - in this case be sure to specify an empty string (e.g., ""); to list multiple names, separate each name with a comma


[ to email ]

Variable or string defining e-mail address(es) of recipients; to list multiple e-mail addresses, separate each address with a comma



Use an alternate SMTP port instead of the default port 25.



Define optional password to use when logging on to the mail server (omit if not required by the SMTP server)



Require explicit mode SSL encryption to be used when delivering the message to the remote server.  The message will not be delivered unless the STARTTLS command succeeds. This option cannot be combined with the /sslimp option.



Attempt an implicit SSL connection to the mail server. SMTP servers that use implicit SSL connections often use port 465. If you telnet to the SMTP port and get a scrambled, unreadable, or binary response it may be accepting only implicit SSL connections. This option cannot be combined with the /ssl option.



When sending to multiple recipients, use this option to stop sending to any additional e-mail addresses when there is any error on the current message.



Time-out, in seconds, to wait for message to be sent (if omitted the time-out is set to 30 seconds)



Define optional user name to use when logging on to the mail server (omit if not required by the SMTP server)



This command sends an e-mail message previously created with the CREATEMAIL command via a SMTP e-mail server to one or more recipients. All of the arguments to this command are required, however [ to name ] may be an empty string.


The same message is sent each time SENDMAIL is called unless CREATEMAIL is called again to change the message.


Consider the following example where an e-mail message is created and then sent.


;; create the message

SET from = "Acme Widget Co. Sales"

SET email = "[email protected]"

SET subj = "Thanks for your order!"

SET body = "We appreciate your business."

SET attach = ""

CREATEMAIL from email subj body attach

;; send the message

SENDMAIL "" "Joe Blow" "[email protected]"


Consider the following example where authentication is required on the SMTP server (not all mail servers will require authentication.)


SET server = "smtp.mail.server"

SET to = "Ray Johnson"

SET email = "[email protected]"

SENDMAIL server to email /user=smtpid /pw=smtppw


Consider the following example where the same message is sent to three recipients.


SET server = "smtp.mail.server"

SET to = "Ray Johnson,Dick Martin,Dan Rowan"

SET email = "[email protected],[email protected],[email protected]"

SENDMAIL server to email


When multiple messages are sent in this way, each message is sent separately. Do not confuse this with sending CC or BCC copies.



In order to cut down on spam, some mail servers now require that the email address in the FROM line match an existing mailbox on the server. If your mail server returns an error when you call the SENDMAIL command, please check the FROM email address.